Sunday, December 2, 2012

Fired For Dropping The F-bomb?


So this bus driver broke up a fight between two students on her bus. No need to thank her, just doing her job ... Wait, you fired her? For dropping a few f-bombs in the process of breaking up the fight? Not cool at all. As reported by The Toronto Sun:

The union representing a Halifax bus driver who was sacked for swearing at teenagers who were fighting on the school bus has filed a grievance to get her job back.
Heather Vidito's F-word-filled rant was captured in a video that was posted to YouTube last week. In the clip, which has since been removed [damn it!], two students can be seen fighting at the back of a school bus while other students egg them on.
Seems like a strong showing of authority is in order, right?
Vidito approaches and yells: "Get the f[uck] up now." The woman continues to swear at the students, saying they "shouldn't be being f[uck]ing stupid." [expletives reinserted]
Stock Transportation fired her, saying she violated the company's policies.
You bastards!
The Nova Scotia Government Employees' Union, however, thinks the sacking is too harsh. It is negotiating with Stock and has filed an official grievance with the company to fight for her job.
The move comes after thousands of Nova Scotians joined a Facebook group calling for Vidito to be reinstated. Folks are also raising money for the out-of-work driver to pay her bills.
Crap. Now The Juice is going to have to go on Facebook to show his support...
One Facebook supporter wrote: "She diffused the situation by giving back as good as she got. I respect her for having the balls to stand up to those boys in the only way that got their attention."
Another wrote: "Give Heather her job back! She was trying to do her job when the students rudely interrupted her."
The students — one of whom attends junior high, the other high school — have been disciplined by their respective schools.
You'll find the source here.


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